I’ve Failed The World Of Writing


It has been brought to my attention that I have failed the writing community at large because I haven’t read the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling (yes, I just linked to Wikipedia for Harry Potter). I will attempt to remedy this by at least reading the first installment after I finish the book I’m currently reading, Red Litten World by K. M. Alexander.

Now let me add my own, “you’ve failed the writing community if you haven’t read”: Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl. I know- it’s an entirely different genre. It isn’t even FICTION!

mansearchformeaningThis book will transform the way you think about the motivations of characters in desperate situations.

This book enlightens you on the motives of men driven to do horrible things.

This book may well change your life for the better. It has mine. Thank you, Meri!

Frankl was a Jew in a concentration camp. He saw some of the worst of the human condition imaginable. He also happened to be a trained psychiatrist who observed and later documented the ordeal.

If you are a writer, read this book. If you are not a writer, read this book.

I’d love to hear from you. What is your “you’ve failed the writing community if you haven’t read” book?

Small update: I’m still working on Rue From Ruin – Part 5. It’s difficult, but it’s worth it!

5 thoughts on “I’ve Failed The World Of Writing

  1. Don’t feel bad… I haven’t read Harry Potter either, and don’t plan to. Unfortunately, I also haven’t read Man’s Search for Meaning. It sounds incredible though… a new one to add to the reading list. :)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The biggest problem with giving the HP series a try is that the first two books aren’t that great. They’re fun, but they ain’t great (as someone’s old grandma used to say). Of course starting at book 3 is completely inadviseable, so you’ve got to be commited for a few books. You can borrow my set if you need them.

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